Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

I apologize for the lack of updates to this site since the Casa Bahama entry. Between some details not coming together for my next intended subject (the Diamond Beach Resort, which I will get back to at a later date), and this December pulling me elsewhere, I've let things get quieter on this site than I'd prefer. I will most likely make the 24th Street Motel the subject of my next post.

I thank you all for your interest in this site. For now, I wish a Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and a Happy Holiday to everyone who has another important holiday in their life at this time of year.

My best to all of you.

(My vintage artificial Christmas Tree, which is about 50 years old as of this writing, and has been in my family since new):

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I checked them out after your last post and I'm totally obsessed. 
    Hotels Sherwood Park
